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Billie Dixon Series

If We Had No Winter (2017)
A Mobi or ePub file to read at your convenience
If We Had No Winter paperback
A signed paperback mailed directly to your house
The Longer We Dwell (2018)
A Mobi or ePub file to read at your convenience
The Longer We Dwell paperback
A signed paperback mailed directly to your house
Who We Might've Been (2018)
A Mobi or ePubfile to read at your convenience
Who We Might've Been paperback
A signed paperback mailed directly to your house

True Love's Wish Series

Stilettos & Stardust (2019)
A Mobi or ePub file to read at your convenience
Stilettos & Stardust paperback
A signed paperback mailed directly to your house

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